My first truthful statement on this page is that I am and will always be a sucker for 1990-2015 romcom's. Which explains why i can watch them from the moment I open my eyes to the second I close them. Or why at 25 I still feed into the fantasy that you'll meet the perfect person by bumping into them in the hallway. You’ll drop your books, they'll pick them up, your hands touch and then BOOM instant connection. I know it’s all fairies and rainbows but what is life without imagination and creativity.

Then there is the other part of me that is addicted to fantasy, action and science fiction. Ask me to name you 15 superheroes? I’ve got you. Ask me to defend Batman ? I have most definitely got you. In fact ask ask me to give you deep detailed conspiracy theories about 'The Boys' and I've most definitely got you.

My name is Jourdan Cleo and I am an addict. My personal addiction is to the Marvel and DC universe. My addiction probably started when I was the height of your kitchen table. Plus if I'm being truly transparent life would be complete for me the day I contribute a single line to a Marvel or DC movie.

This entire blog acts as my own personal online portfolio, giving you reviews and think pieces about past, present and future releases.

The trailers below are examples of some of my favourite shows and movies. It almost looks like I pressed shuffle but I love and every one of them.